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Beginners' Questions and Answers... from Gerardus

Berita Mahabharata.                                 Instant Pay For You

Q: Why was I born?
You are a Spiritual Being and you were born or merged with a human body in order to experience the Human Condition. You are not your body - you are a Spiritual Being. You are what we call nowadays a Soul...

Q: Why was I born in MY family?
You were born there in order to experience specific experiences. Likely your parents, aunts, uncles and siblings are the ones you have met in previous experiences and once again you meet them disguised in human bodies. They also are Spiritual Beings who merge with human bodies in order to experience the Human Condition or life in matter. Living in matter is called: Carrying the Matter Cross!

Q: What is the purpose of being alive as a human being?
The human purpose is to slowly become wiser and wiser and eventually know how to avoid being born in human form. IOW: the Spiritual Being you are then is finished with this kind of human life on this Earth or any other matter environment. ..

Q: How many times will I be born or merge with a human body and mind?
As many times as is necessary to learn the lessons of Acceptance, Forgiveness and Love. Love is Understanding! These lessons are not learned by telling others what to do or by controlling them. They are not necessarily learned by following religions either. All religions are man-made and false. God does not write bibles or so called holy books. Only people do! Most people are brainwashed from birth. This is what needs to be transcended. ..

Q: Why is it that I become involved in some of these awful actions in human life, like rape and or being molested by other human beings?
Life is a series of lessons and in order to learn these lessons we experience all activities from both sides. There is a possibility for example that you were the murderer or molester in a previous lifetime!

Q: How can I stop these seemingly endless actions we are subjected to?
You will be able to stop these actions by forgiving the perpetrators or offenders. We must not forget that Life is an everlasting affair and no one is better or more than another. We are all in the same school of learning and must learn from each other. This is done by means of many experiences in human bodies. It is up to you how fast you want to learn...

Q: What is the best way to forgive and forget?
We must learn to become emotionally detached and look at all things with intelligence instead of with an ego-mind and/or with emotional based thoughts or reactions. We must therefore forgive ourselves for any trespassings and then forgive others. Ninety-nine percent of Human Life is: Accept and Forgive!

Q: Do I need to bring into the open some of the things that happened in my life and thereby make others look less in other people's eyes?
We do not need to bring anything into the open, but it might help to rid ourselves of the secretive feelings we have about ourselves and others (Guilt). It might help to discuss things with people who have experienced similar situations. In the end this will give us greater understanding. Understanding is Love and this makes it possible to forgive ourselves and others...

Q: Are there innocent victims in life?
We are all victims of our own unawareness or ignorance! We are here to learn and awaken to what is. We always get what we deserve for we are the creators of the realities we need to experience in order to learn from them. Our thoughts create our realities. Today's reality is created by the thoughts of yesterday and/or previous lifetimes. Many of our thoughts were created by us before we were born into the present body. Our thoughts and deeds of our past create our character and our future. IOW: God does not create our lives - we do...

Q: Is there a God who looks after things?
There is no God as such. There are higher Beings - they do not judge. This really means that you are your own creator and judge. You are in the process of learning that this is so. We cannot blame God or others for what we are or experience.. .

Q: Why have I not been taught this in Sunday School or in the Churches I have attended?
Religions are about Belief - not about Truth! Religions are for people who are followers. All followers are Non-Thinkers. There are Universal Laws that need to be adhered to and when we are ignorant of these Laws we run into difficulties until we learn them. Life is an investigation. Failing to investigate who or what we really are will bring us birth after birth into the different religions - until we begin to question why we are living again and again and suffer in many of our lifetimes...

Q: How can I learn these Universal Laws?
By studying Life and/or Metaphysics or by becoming involved with similar studies. Ask and you will receive. Life is a do it yourself job!

Q: How many people in the world know about these Universal Laws?
Relatively few people know these Laws. Possibly less than 5% of the population know about them in some form or another. This is why the world is the way it is. The world as a school is perfect for all lessons are available and whichever lessons we need are determined before we re-incarnate. This is why we are born where we are born...

Q: Are religious people better than non-religious people?
No one is better than anyone else! We only play different roles on the world stage in order to get wiser individually. Being wiser does not make us better or more. We are all "equals" in this universe. Equal but different! We are all students of Life...

Q: Are we responsible for all our actions or deeds?
We are directly responsible for all our thoughts and deeds. Thoughts are the energies that create our destiny. Fate is what happens on the way so to speak. We are the Universe or Creator in human form. Our task is to learn that this is so. The greatest majority of mankind is ignorant of this and this ignorance is directly reflected in our world and in our individual lifetimes...

Q: What are the most important questions?
... The most important questions Are ...

? Who Am I ?
? Why Am I Here ?
? What is my Purpose on this Planet ?
? How can I serve Humanity the best possibly Way ?

Something to think about...
We are The One Soul or The Infinite Subconsciousness (The IS) and in order to become aware of our unconsciousness we choose certain human life-cycles and thereby experience our own unconsciousness to eventually become more and more aware...

The unknown must become known or the subconscious must become conscious.
This means that the Unconscious Creator within us must become a Conscious Creator...

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